Black Lives Matter. Period. “Matter” is the absolute BARE MINIMUM. In my eyes, Black lives are celebrated. Black lives are loved. Black lives are deserving. If “Black Lives Matter” feels controversial to you, kindly leave my page.

Black Lives Matter is a movement that was started by three phenomenal women- Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi in response to Trayvon Martin’s murderer being acquitted.

I remember EVERYTHING about Trayvon’s case so vividly. From hearing about it, the confusion and fear I felt to not understanding how someone could shoot un-armed CHILD just because they thought they looked suspicious. I felt so disgruntled by this that I felt compelled to write a letter to the governor of Florida demanding justice for Trayvon. I was 14 years old and it was my “lightbulb” moment for why systemic racism is horribly wrong and WHY WE NEED CHANGE, immediately. What a privilege for me to learn about systemic racism rather than having to experience it.

Since Trayvon’s murder, unfortunately not a whole lot has changed. Countless innocent black lives have still been taken from this earth at the hands of white supremacists, racists and the ones who are supposed to keep us safe, the police.

As I write this in June 2020, protests in support of Black Lives Matter have been held in all 50 states and various countries. Many are demanding justice for Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd. Some are under the impression that these three beautiful souls are the reason that people are coming together to protest during a global pandemic. The truth is, black people have been mistreated in America for years. These protests are a result of centuries of systemic racism, abuse, segregation, Jim Crow laws, unequal opportunities, police brutality and so much more. Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd’s murders were the catalyst. May these wonderful souls rest in power.

I’ve created this page to share various resources on how we can abolish our own unconscious biases, support the black community and put an end to systemic racism and anti-blackness.

I am not a black person living in America. I will never truly know what that feels like but I promise to always do my best to listen, learn and empathize with the black community. “I understand that I will never understand, but I stand.”


Respectfully, Brandy