My name is Brandy. I am a mommy, wife, chef (does cutting fruit for my toddler count?), babysitter, fashion fanatic, the biggest Laker fan ever (I can tell you all 16 years we’ve won rings by heart) and coffee lover. I was born in Honolulu and have lived here my whole life.
My husband’s name is Jonathan. He was raised on the opposite end of the country in North Carolina. He is currently serving as an active duty service member of the United States Military. Due to unfortunate circumstances we are living apart. He PCSed to Washington State a while my daughter and I stayed back home in Hawai’i to be surrounded by family. We look forward to reuniting as a family again. Jonathan loves basketball, video games, spending quality time together as a family and educating himself on real estate, investing and finances.
We met at the gym. I approached him first (ladies, don’t be shy!) and it’s been magical ever since then. From the day we started talking, I knew he was special. Sometimes you just have to listen to your gut and mine definitely told me he was the one! No relationship is perfect but I can confidently say that Jonathan is my soulmate and best friend. Our relationship is built on trust, communication and laughter but the fact that we have common interests doesn’t hurt either. When we first met all we talked about was basketball and how much we love Kobe Bryant. Then came our daughter..
Our daughter Kobe (yes, she’s a girl and yes, we named her after Kobe Bryant) is two and a half. She is a the definition of multicultural with ethnicities including African American, Caucasian, Native American, Chinese and Japanese. Kobe is hilarious, strong willed and such a joy in our lives. She loves to eat, play outside, create with chalk, look at birds and sing.